Thursday, May 26, 2011

Social Security Disability | Starting a Case

The worst case scenario has come, you are not able to work because you are disabled and your bills are pileing up. You want to know what you need to do to apply for social security disability benefit. This blog post will help you with the initial application. There are many steps that need to be taken if your initial application is denied, and you should probably hire an attorney if this situation arises, but some people feel that they would like to initially file their claim alone.  There are four steps that need to be taken to file your initial claim.
  1. Review the Adult Disability Checklist for details about what you will need before starting the online process;
  2. Fill out the online Disability Benefit Application to provide us with information regarding eligibility for payment;
  3. Fill out the online Adult Disability Report to provide us with medical and work history;  and
These form are linked above and are mostly self explanatory. If you still would like more information about filing your claim, visit my Social Security Page on my website or call me at my office at (708) 529-7794 to find out more information about starting your claim. Good luck with your application.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Social Security Disability | Welcome to the Blog

You are probably here because you are disabled and can not work. You may be struggling with your bills, wondering how you are going to stay in your home. You may have trouble getting through the day to day tasks. Applying for Social Security Disablity benefits may be the best option to assist you in your day to day life. This blog will provide basig and general information about the application process. If you woud like to have an attorney handle your case, The Law Office of Jonathan W. Cole is here to help. Whether you are thinking about applying, or have been denied and are looking to appeal, this blog will help you uinderstand the benefits process. Good luck with your application.